Thursday, 27 November 2014


We had a wonderful Thanksgiving today in Vero Beach. Over 200 cruisers gathered for a potluck feast. It has been so much fun to spend time with such an impressive group of people and we are so amazed by the stories of adventure that surround us. We continue to meet more families with kids and retirees who did this when they were younger with their kids. Everyone has been incredibly encouraging of our trip and choice to be doing it now with Lucy and Scout. It has been nice to hear this from those who truly know. Tomorrow we are having coffee on another Valiant 40. Its owners sailed it around the world in the late 1980's with their two sons. It was their second circumnavigation - their first being in the early 1970's aboard their 30 foot boat!
On this day of giving thanks, we feel especially fortunate and know we have so much for which to be thankful. We were able to Skype with our families tonight just before we returned to the boat. During these past four years of living in India and now on Momo, we have found that this is one of the hardest days to be away from them. They are what we are the most thankful for and we can't wait to celebrate next Thanksgiving with them. 
Tomorrow we will take advantage of the free bus system to do some provisioning, and then Saturday we will continue south. 

Happy Thanksgiving.
The parking lot.

Dinghy race vs. s/v Sheila after the feast
Momo on the Chesapeake. (A few throwback photos taken by s/v Sheila from last month)
Entering the ICW in VA. We spent the night on the sea wall just past the bridge.

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