Sometimes it is better when you shoot from the hip. Even though Halloween has been a hot topic of conversation on Momo for days, Amie and I really didn't have a plan as to how it was going to happen. It's not like we could just take the girls around our neighborhood. This morning we left Southport at 0600, which meant the first 45 minutes of ICW travel was in the dark. The early departure was decided upon last night when we realized we REALLY did not have a plan for Halloween. We figured leaving early would allow us to figure something out. As we passed one possible stop after another today, each one looked less promising than the previous. At one point we were considering anchoring near a shrimp dock and then taking the dinghy over to ask the shrimpers if we could trick-or-treat in the homes behind the dock. Eventually, we started to come to the realization that we would probably need to do what we least wanted to do - pay for a slip at a marina. It turns out our friends on Sheila were staying at one in North Myrtle Beach while visiting other friends, and it was cheap. So, just after 1200 we pulled in. Shortly after, James, the dockmaster, insisted we borrow his car to do a grocery run. While Lucy and Scout played with the Sheila crew, we did a MAJOR provisioning. As exciting as that was, we both felt a bit guilty as we pulled back into the marina, because we still had no plans for Halloween. We gathered the girls, stowed all the groceries and looked at our watch - 4:45pm. Lucy then informed us that Scout no longer wanted to be a dolphin. She now wanted to be a butterfly. "Don't worry", she said, "I will make her costume."
Great, but where are we going to trick-or-treat? The marina is almost entirely filled with empty boats (we had hoped for a bunch of live-aboards or transients), and surrounding the marina is a retirement complex which looks very un-Halloween-friendly. At 5:00pm our neighbors in the next slip over inform us they are going to the bar, but if the girls wanted to stop by, they would give them a treat. So, a full-family effort ensued to get the butterfly outfit finished, and then we headed out. After our stop at the neighbors, Amie and I looked around and realized the marina was not going to work. So, we started walking. We walked out of the retirement complex, where our assumptions were confirmed by a complete lack of Halloween decorations and inviting front doors, and turned down the first street we came to. It was a development with upscale houses and jack-o-lanterns on front stoops - promising. We walked up to the first house and after the girls timidly ring the bell, an extremely warm and friendly lady offered them candy and we start chatting. Five minutes later, she and her husband are offering us a beer. Fifteen minutes later we are driving their completely-pimped-out golf cart around the neighborhood while Lucy and Scout are raking in the candy. Trick-or-treating in style!!! While Amie and Lucy were riding in the back and screaming at me to go slow, Scouty was riding shotgun, shouting, "Faster Daddy, Faster!"We had SO MUCH FUN and feel so fortunate to have met such generous and friendly people.
After a day like today, I am so thankful for this opportunity we are having together as a family. When Amie and I pulled the anchor up in the dark this morning in Southport, we had no idea how the day would unfold. That is the essence of this adventure - to be together and give ourselves the chance to have some new experiences. I have never really been a fan of Halloween, but today may have changed that a bit. Happy Halloween.
Perhaps the boat-buckets were a bit too over-zealous? |
Lucy made about 90% of both costumes. |
The mask didn't last too long. |
Halloween won't ever be the same. |