Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Entering the ICW

Today I wished I could have played the game Battleship with Lucy.  We had another early start with our boat-friends from Canada.  Together we sailed for a while and then had to motor down to Norfolk.  What an overstimulating adventure Norfolk is - fighter jets, planes, helicopters, war ships, tug & barges, ferries, coast guard running man-overboard trainings (it took me a little while to catch on that they were just training) as well as an endless number of motor yachts and sailboats heading South for the winter.

We called the girls on deck every time there was a drawbridge we had to go under.  Lucy was fascinated by every aspect of the drawbridges.  Not many things are able to capture her attention more than fantasyland does.

And then we entered the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway - ICW.  We really wanted to, as the sign says, "do the Dismal" route but several people have led us to believe that we would run aground way too often.  Instead we plunged ahead down the Virginia Cut and into our first lock.  We are tied up to a free dock just 12 miles in.
In the lock with gates closing behind us...
Waiting for the water to rise...
Where we ended up for the night...

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