Sunday, 5 October 2014

Making progress...

Days 2 and 3 could not have been more different. Yesterday we went from Block Island to Fishers Island running before 20-25 knots of southeast winds. It rained on and off all day, and making the cut between Fishers Island and Watch Hill was a bit hairy. We dropped the anchor in West Harbor on Fishers Island shortly after 2pm and spent a rainy afternoon feeling a bit stir-crazy.
Today we left West Harbor at 7:30am and immediately were met by 15 - 20 knot West winds directly in our teeth, but also bright sunshine. Combined with adverse current for much of the day, we made slow, pounding progress. We ended up beating up the CT coast, mostly power-sailing, to stay out of the higher currents and steeper seas closer to the middle of the sound. At 6pm we pulled into the Thimble Islands (check them out - they are really cool!). We had a bit of trouble trying to find an anchorage deep enough for our draft, when a nice man came out in his whaler to offer us a mooring for free. We happily accepted! Lucy and Scout continue to amaze us. Neither has felt sick, despite very uncomfortable conditions. They happily play in the forepeak while the bow surges up and down in swell.
Days 2 and 3

Thimble Islands

1 comment:

  1. Incredible Journey so far! Miss you all ver much! See you....soon!

    Love Marmar
